Our membership
ECEG members are national employer organisations from the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, rubber and plastics industries. We cover the entire spectrum of manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (such as pesticides, soap and detergents), basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations, rubber and plastic products (such as rubber tyres, tubes and plastic packing goods) based on the definition of the NACE codes 20, 21 and 22.
ECEG members represent the social policy and industrial relations’ interests of manufacturing companies in the country concerned. As recognised social partners, they are also, where applicable, responsible for collective bargaining at the sector level.
ECEG has full members and associate members.
How to become a member?
If your organisation falls under the above mentioned categories, and you are interested in applying for membership, please contact ECEG Director General, Emma Argutyan at secretariat@eceg.org.

European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG)
Rue Belliard 40, PO 7
1040 Brussels